How we love our kids

Giggles & Gaffes

Bringing some warmth, lightheartedness and fun to parenting.

Our Menu


Sharing our experiences and learning without judgement, lightening the parenting journey with humor.

Family Fun

Looking at fun things to do with kids as a family- add ideas from activities, crafts, party & play, events and more.

Your Life

Bringing back control and balance across your home, health, relationships, work and finances.

Join us to learn, support and laugh at the messy and magical experience of being a parent.

Giggle & Gaffes Team


Giggles & Gaffes is about bringing warmth, lightheartedness and fun to parenting.

We see humor in parenting journey and its imperfections. Our ability to laugh at ourselves, at our missteps and learn from it lets us embrace parenthood confidently, raising happy and healthy children.


Whether you’re curious about the contributing content, advertising, sponsorship or affiliates, we’re here to answer any questions.